Duke -- 3 week update.   Photo by Rob Cordosi.

Duke -- 3 week update.   Photo by Rob Cordosi.

Update - 3 weeks into rescue.  

Duke is doing fantastic!  He is a good boy, has a lot of energy and is looking for his forever family to come adopt him.  He would just love to snuggle up with you and be petted all day. 

Duke has gained 10 pounds, the skin infection is gone and he is making great progress with the Demodex mange.  He is still underweight and we are continuing to work on that slowly.  He has peach fuzz hairs over most of his body as the hair starts to return.   Duke is still receiving medications and gets a bath about every 3 days.  ​

​On nice days, Duke loves to hang out in the yard helping with chores or resting in the shade of a nice tree.  He does not run the fence when dogs bark on the other side, but will run the fence if he can see another barking dog through a split fence.  He does stop with correction and distraction.  Duke does not dig in the yard.

Duke does not initiate barking or negative energy on a walk , but he will escalate his barking if not corrected. He walks well on a pinch collar. He loves daily walks and likes to meet new people as long as
they are respectful.

​Since he was deprived of food and clean water, he loves both.  He thinks water is such a treat, that he would gorge himself if you let him.  He gets every bit of crushed ice out of water bowl as if it were
some magical thing he has never known. He eats 2.5 cups three times a day to bulk up.  He loves any food and it appears he got table scraps at his old dwelling.  He will eat anything, including garbage.  Now with
a full belly each day, we don't find him trying to get into things to find food.  He respects boundaries once well established.  You could not ask for a better student. 

Duke knows sit, paw and leave it.  He is still working on other commands such as down and leave it from afar.  He comes when his name is called and even to a whistle when it's dinner time.   Duke does fine in a crate, but has "happy tail" and so his excitement must be limited while in the crate to prevent further tail damage.   Duke's favorite toys are the Nylabones and the Kong toy that he has to squeeze to get the treats out.  He loves peanut butter in his Kong and uses it to take his medicine as well.  ​

When not hanging out with his foster family, he will play by himself with toys.  He likes stuffies, but will chew them up if not supervised.  ​

Duke is not too sure about cats.  It appears he may think they are feral, so time with the household kitty has been ​supervised and he has some homework to do in this category.   Duke is good at bath time.  He is more cooperative with nail trimming while in the shower if distracted with a treat.  He also loves to have his ears rubbed during cleaning. 

Duke likes kids too, but unknown children that run up to him cause him to be reactive. The neighborhood kids he has met, love petting his huge head.  He tends to feel more comfortable with older kids and
adults.  Duke loves any affection and hopes to get a home full of family who are around a lot.

6 week update.  Photo by Rob Cordosi.​

6 week update.  Photo by Rob Cordosi.​


Update:  6 weeks in foster care

Duke is doing fantastic!  He has regrown most of his hair, has gained sufficient weight and has his energy back.  Sometimes he thinks he is a puppy.  ​

Look at this video taken recently.  Duke is having the zoomies in his backyard.​

Click HERE for Duke's original story and photos.


Adoption Application (to Print and mail or fax to 1-866-456-9672)